We want to tell a story about you
Congratulations! Granite Devices likes your project so much that we wish to spread the word about you and your achievements. We hope to have chance to use your entered information as testimonial and/or case study article.
Visibility and fame for both of us
While a case study article will be part of Granite Devices marketing, you also will receive free visibility and followers. If you wish us to add your web site link, it will also boost your search engine rank as your web site will be linked from our highly reputable web site. Some of our visitors also may find your company interesting based on the information you share.
In this page you may enter your details to be published on our web site and/or other promotional materials.
Sensitive project? We can cope with that
If your project is sensitive/classified, or if you don't wish to reveal your strategic partner (Granite Devices), then we would still appreciate your feedback and a chance to publish some engineering aspects of our side of the project without risking to reveal your identity or project.
If you're unsure what we're going to publish, just tick the checkbox in the form below to have the final acceptance role before we publish anything.
What and how we wish to publish
Granite Devices will review your submission and consider using it in following ways
- List your company as a reference customer
- Publish testimonial
- Create and publish a case study article
These are mainly intended on our web site, however they may be also used in social media, videos, emails and/or printed material.
Note: you have control over how and what information we will publish. See the check boxes at the end of form.