Embeddable servo motor drives & controls

Blog & News

Simucube ActivePedal released

Written by: admin | October 27, 2022 | In category: Announcement

Simucube branch of Granite Devices just revealed their biggest new product to date. ActivePedal – a true force feedback pedal for sim racing. It’s the world’s first pedal fully adjustable down to physical detail level by few mouse clicks on graphical editor.


Major contributions

Software adjustable pedal feel

With ActivePedal software racer may customize brake pressure up to 150kg, pedal travel distance, brake air gap, ABS, traction control, and more.

Zero maintenance

As the pedal force is based on electric motor control, there is no rubbers, no liquids, no springs, no hydraulic cylinders and no degrading parts to service and replace.

True force feedback & more

Racer may utilize simulator telemetry data and true force feedback in pedals. This enables racer to harness more of their “muscle memory” to improve their track performance.

From professionals, to professionals

“The Simucube ActivePedal changes the whole braking game in sim racing. So far it is the first and only pedal which can give you the feedback you want from the game and it also gives you the possibility to customize it easily and quickly. There hasn’t been anything like this before.” – Ossi Oikarinen, F1 Engineer

More information

To learn more, see www.simucube.com/activepedal/.

Granite Devices & Simucube site updates

Written by: admin | August 25, 2022 | In category: Announcement

To make Granite Devices and Simucube operations clearer to visitors, we made updates to the relevant web sites. The changes signify the Granite Devices operation in two different market segments: industrial motor controls and professional sim racing equipment.

For details, see

Also updated

This announcement has no other implications to the customers than the web site content. Granite Devices and Simucube keeps operating as before.

Argon and Intensify Nx50 End of Life notice

Written by: admin | May 5, 2022 | In category: Announcement

Selected Granite Devices products are approaching their End of Life:

Reasons for discontinuation:

  • Low demand
  • Some of the necessary electrical components are becoming extinct (EOL)

Placing the final order:

Place your final order at our web store before 30.6.2022, or until the stock lasts. Orders placed before the last order date will be fulfilled from the final manufacturing patch. Existing customers that are in our sales records have been notified by email.

Product support:

  • Granite Devices reserves certain quantity of parts and products in reserve stock for warranty issues.
  • Granite Devices’ development team will maintain the software and implement essential updates until 31.12.2025.

Regardless of the discontinuation, Granite Devices is committed to support and work with you to maintain and improve our business relationship in the future.

For inquiries, please contact our sales representatives.

Simucube 1 End of Life notice

Written by: admin | March 21, 2022 | In category: Announcement

Granite Devices Simucube 1 product is approaching it’s End of Life (EOL):

  • EOL Model Name: Simucube 1
  • Substitute Item: Simucube 2
  • Effective Date: 31.5.2022
  • Last Buy Date: 31.5.2022

The Simucube 1 related items will be discontinued. The reasons behind the decision are the ending availability of electrical components needed for manufacturing and the market demand heavily shifting towards Simucube 2 based products.

Simucube 1 customers are encouraged to place their last-time order at Granite Devices web store before the Last Buy Date, or until the stock lasts.

Granite Devices will reserve a certain quantity of replacement items in reserve stock in order to fulfill warranty issues. A reserve stock quantity is sized to cover forecast replacement demand before 30.6.2024.

Simucube 1 software team will continue to maintain the Simucube 1 software until 31.12.2024.

Regardless of the discontinuation, Granite Devices is committed to support and cooperate with all existing Simucube 1 customers to maintain and seeking to improve our business relationship in the future.

Granite Devices Oy, 21.3.2021

New Simucube.com and Simucube store refreshed

Written by: admin | January 15, 2022 | In category: Announcement

Granite Devices is proud to announce the updated Simucube.com web site and dedicated Simucube store.

Simucube store is Granite Devices’ official factory outlet for Simucube products and selected sim racing partner products. Currently Simucube store delivers to European region while the customer support continues to serve all existing and new customers globally.

Career: Simucube Supply Chain Specialist

Written by: admin | November 24, 2021 | In category: Closed careers
Sales engineer

The role

We are now looking for a self-driven and precise Supply Chain Specialist to join the Simucube team! In this role, you will play a key role in ensuring that our supply chain and purchases run smoothly and meet the targets in quality and delivery times.

This role allows you to grow as a purchasing or supply chain professional and shape your career path according to your strengths and interests. When joining the company, your daily tasks include planning and optimizing purchases and overseeing the overall supply process from order to shipment to billing and customer service. You will create purchase orders for both our Simucube Store and our product manufacturing, which means collaboration with our suppliers, outsourced production, and other stakeholders.

Once you get more familiar with us and our business, you will take on more responsibilities, e.g., price negotiations and evaluating opportunities to make business savings and manage and strengthen relationships with different stakeholders. Together with the sales and development teams, you create production plans and evaluate future purchasing needs.

As we are constantly looking for ways to develop our processes, your input in optimizing the purchasing processes and systems will be invaluable in the future. We aim at creating sustainable and responsible products, and you will also play a significant role in evaluating the environmental and societal impacts of our supply chain. You will work in close collaboration with our Sourcing & Purchasing Manager, Tommi, and of course, the whole Granite Devices team is there to support you.

What we would like to see

  • A few years of relevant experience in international purchasing or supply chain coordination in the field of technology
  • A holistic understanding of business principles
  • Technical background or interest in technology and electronics
  • Excellent cross-cultural communication and negotiation skills in English – other language skills are a plus
  • Independent and organized way of working
  • Ability to identify and communicate both opportunities and problems
  • Familiarity with logistics and purchasing contracts is an advantage

Above all, we are looking for a person who has an eye for details and a growth mindset and is enthusiastic about ensuring the company’s future success.

Does this sound like the next step in your career? We would love to hear from you, so submit your application by December 6! If you have any questions about the role, don't hesitate to contact us at tiina.knight@granitedevices.com!

Is Granite Devices right for you?

Are you eager to work in a passionate team with some of the brightest people in Finland? Do you prefer to contribute your excellence in team where team cohesion, respect of one’s opinion, and employee well being and quality of life are the company's first priority? And do you like to work in a relaxed manner with flexible working hours, remotely or locally? Read more about employee benefits.

If that sounds good to you, act now. The fact that we're still a small small company just starting our 2021's hiring round in order to fuel our recent major breakthroughs, means there's a brief opportunity to gain a very significant role in our core team. 

What kind of people are we looking for?

We only hire people who are persistent, self-motivated, take ownership of their work, and are driven by curiosity and challenge. We value self-acquired skills as well as formal education.

If you feel this is not for you, do you know someone who might be interested?

Let your friends know about these fine core team opportunities. If the person you affected gets hired at Granite Devices for at least 6 months, you will be granted a €1000 headhunter's bonus, or at your choice a Simucube 2 Pro. To get your prize, ask your friend to refer you in the job application, or contact us promptly after he or she gets hired.

It's worth noting that even sharing this career in your social media will make you eligible to the bonus if the hired person gets found that way. Thank you for sharing this!

Note: potential taxes or duties are not covered by the prize.

Show them you care


Granite Devices employee bonus: full week extra vacation

Written by: admin | September 2, 2021 | In category: Announcement

Granite Devices celebrates record setting year of 2020 by granting one extra week of paid vacation to its employees who worked during 2020.

The decision was easy as is in the line with Granite’s human values, and the understanding that time is the most sacred resource in human life. At Granite Devices, employee bonuses are routinely implemented to reward hard and successful work.

Tamperelainen esports-yritys kovassa kansainvälisessä kasvussa ja nimeää uuden hallituksen

Written by: admin | May 12, 2021 | In category: Announcement

Brief in English

Granite Devices assigns new board members of the company. New chairman is Harri Mäkitie, and board members are Sami Somero and Tero Kontkanen.

Full announcement (Finnish)

Voimakasta kasvua tekevä digitaalisen autourheilun simulaattorilaitteistojen ja sähkömoottoreiden ohjausratkaisuja kehittävä Granite Devices Oy on nimittänyt hallitukseensa Harri Mäkitien, Sami Someron sekä Tero Kontkasen. Muutoksen taustana on tarve hankkia osaamista tukemaan vientiyrityksen räjähdysmäistä kasvua.

Granite Devices on laajentanut elektroniikkasuunnittelusta ja moottoriohjausteknologian kehittämisestä vakavien harrastajien sekä ammattiurheilijoiden autosimulaattorilaitteistoihin. Elektroninen urheilu on vahvasti nouseva markkina-alue ja yksi tulevaisuuden megatrendeistä, jonka parissa Granite Devices on ollut yhtenä tulevaisuuden mahdollistajista.

Simucube-brändin alla kulkeva kasvava ekosysteemi on saanut erinomaisen vastaanoton ammattimaisten kilpa-ajajien keskuudessa ja vakiinnuttamassa positiotaan markkinoiden parhaana laitteistona.

Moni autourheilun ammattikuljettaja käyttää Simucube-tuotteita tuloksellisena harjoitteluvaihtoehtona oikeille ratakilometreille. Useampi F1-, NASCAR-, Indie 2000- ja WRC-talli käyttää Simucube-laitteita päivittäisessä toiminnassaan. Simucube on virallinen laitetoimittaja Mercedes AMG F1 Simulaattoritiimille ja tekee aktiivista yhteistyötä usean kansainvälisen toimijan kanssa.

”Liikevaihtomme on kasvanut vuodesta 2019 2,5 miljoonasta eurosta, 2020 noin 6 miljoonaan ja ennuste vuodelle 2021 on yli 15 miljoonaa. Digitaalinen urheilu ja sen myötä digitaalinen autourheilu kasvaa maailmalla räjähdysmäisesti, käyttäjille ei riitä enää perinteiset peliohjaimet vaan hakevat mahdollisimman realistista kokemusta autosimulaattorien saralla” – Hannu Harju, CEO

Nimetty hallitus

Harri Mäkitie, hallituksen puheenjohtaja

Harri on kokenut hallitusammattilainen ja liikkeenjohdon konsultti, tuo hallitukseen pitkän linjan kokemusta kannattavasta kasvusta ja yritystoiminnan skaalaamisesta.

“Näen Granite Devicesin lähitulevaisuudessa vahvaa kehittymistä kansainvälisesti entistäkin tunnustetummaksi alan osaajaksi. Asiakasyritysten joukossa erottuu jo tänään kansainvälisesti näkyviä brändejä, joiden kiinnostus yhteistyöhön on vahva luottamuksen osoitus Granite Devicesin kyvystä alan kehittäjänä. Lukuisia kasvuyrityksiä työssäni läheltä seuranneena luotan, että yhdessä osaavan tiimin kanssa luomme vahvaa näyttöä suomalaisesta osaamisesta ja kasvusta kansainvälisesti näkyväksi toimijaksi”

Sami Somero, hallituksen jäsen

”Olen innoissani lähdössä mukaan yhtiöön, joka on lyhyessä ajassa pystynyt kasvamaan oman alueensa kansainväliselle huipulle. Näen yhtiöllä loistavat mahdollisuudet vahvistaa edelleen asemaansa ja löytää uusia kasvualueita nykyisen liiketoiminnan ympäriltä. Olen toiminut useiden kasvuyritysten hallituksissa ja nähnyt eri kasvuvaiheiden mahdollisuudet ja haasteet. Granite Devices kasvaa ja kehittyy poikkeuksellisen nopealla vauhdilla, ja käy läpi kasvuyrityksen vaiheet pikakelauksella. Hallituksena haluamme osaltamme olla mahdollistamassa tämän hienon kehityksen jatkumista.” - Sami Somero, hallituksen jäsen

Tero Kontkanen, hallituksen jäsen, perustajajäsen

Tero Kontkanen, Granite Devices Oy:n perustajajäsen, aloitti matkansa yrittäjänä teekkarivuotenaan 2007. Jo opiskeluaikoinaan hän näki modernin sähkömoottoriteknologian rajattoman, mutta vain osittain hyödynnetyn potentiaalin. Kontkanen lähti soveltamaan teknologiaa ensin omissa vaativissa projekteissa, ja myöhemmin Granite Devicesin kautta monissa tinkimätöntä suorituskykyä vaativissa kaupallisissa moottorinohjaussovelluksissa. Hallituksessa Kontkanen jatkaa yhtiön elämänmyönteisen mission, ja lennokkaiden visioden toteuttamista.

Haastattelupyynnöt ja yhteydenotot

Hannu Harju, Toimitusjohtaja

email: hannu (.) harju (at) granitedevices.com

Tietoa Granite Devices:ta

Granite Devices Oy on tamperelainen moottorinohjaus- ja autosimulaattoriteknologiaan keskittyvä kokonaan henkilöstönsä omistama osakeyhtiö, joka keskittyy vahvasti vientitoimintaan. Yritys on perustettu 2007 ja nauttii nyt nopeasta kasvusta digitaalisen urheilun suosion kasvun myötä. Simulaattoreita käyttävät maailman suurimmat digitaalisen autourheilun tallit ja alan kärkikuskit. Graranite Devices yrityksenä panostaa ensisijaisesti henkilöstöönsä ja elämänmyönteiseen kulttuuriinsa.

WWW: https://granitedevices.com/ ja https://www.simucu.be/

Emerging Granite careers

Written by: admin | August 14, 2020 | In category: Careers

Become a respected member of Granite Devices team

Did you not find a matching currently open vacancy in the careers page, and still feel like Granite Devices could be the right company for you? If so, you're on a right page! We are always looking for motivated talents in broad spectrum of expertise roles, such as:

  • Project management roles
  • Human leadership roles
  • Product development roles
    • Software engineering
    • Mechanical engineering
    • Electrical engineering
    • Engineering assistant
  • Procurement & sourcing roles
  • Manufacturing management roles
  • Technical support roles
  • Sales engineer or assistant roles
  • Marketing roles
  • Media/video creation roles
  • Web development roles
  • Innovation, strategy and mentoring roles

Fill-in the open application form below and tell us what kind of roles you would like to excel in your dream career. We will read through all the open application and contact people who we think could be a good match for our team.


Is Granite Devices right for you?

Are you eager to work in a passionate team with some of the brightest people in Finland? Do you prefer to contribute your excellence in team where team cohesion, respect of one’s opinion, and employee well being and quality of life are the company's first priority? And do you like to work in a relaxed manner with flexible working hours, remotely or locally? Read more about employee benefits.

If that sounds good to you, act now. The fact that we're still a small small company just starting our 2021's hiring round in order to fuel our recent major breakthroughs, means there's a brief opportunity to gain a very significant role in our core team. 

What kind of people are we looking for?

We only hire people who are persistent, self-motivated, take ownership of their work, and are driven by curiosity and challenge. We value self-acquired skills as well as formal education.

Send open application now

Contact information
Getting to know you
Tell about your topics of interests, and what you wish to do in your professional career. Please do not try to guess what Granite Devices might need right now and write that, instead just write honestly what personally inspires you most.
Enter your "sales pitch" here.
Upload your PDF files here, up to 3 pcs, max 3 MB each
Are you available in Tampere, or if not, from where you would like to work?
Additional details
I.e. LinkedIn, search engine, from friend, social media, monster.fi, etc.
reCAPTCHA is required.

If you feel this is not for you, do you know someone who might be interested?

Let your friends know about these fine core team opportunities. If the person you affected gets hired at Granite Devices for at least 6 months, you will be granted a €1000 headhunter's bonus, or at your choice a Simucube 2 Pro. To get your prize, ask your friend to refer you in the job application, or contact us promptly after he or she gets hired.

It's worth noting that even sharing this career in your social media will make you eligible to the bonus if the hired person gets found that way. Thank you for sharing this!

Note: potential taxes or duties are not covered by the prize.

Show them you care


Simucube 2 and Simucu.be Launched!

Written by: admin | June 4, 2019 | In category: Announcement

We have proudly released all new Simucube 2 direct drive force feedback wheel base! Find out more details from all new dedicated Simucu.be web site.

Simucube 2 Lauch press release

Tampere, Finland – Apr 3rd, 2019 – A Finnish e-sport and professional simulation racing hardware manufacturer, Granite Devices, released a new direct drive force feedback sim racing wheel base, Simucube 2. Simucube’s Direct Drive technology produces steering wheel force feedback by a directly coupled torque motor without any intermediate gear or belt transmission mechanism. The absence of transmission mechanism enhances force feedback sensation in multiple domains, contributing to faster lap times and immersing the driver to the game. Continuing the success of its predecessor Simucube 1, praised by world champion class sim racing enthusiast and e-sport drivers, Simucube 2 sets the bar to the next level for force feedback wheel bases.

Simucube 2 wheel base

Reaction time is everything when taking over opponents or taking corrective action to prevent loss of track grip. Simucube 2 has been built from ground up to minimize latencies in both directions: user input from wheel to simulator, and the force command from simulator to the wheel. Ultra-low latency not only gives competitive advantage, but naturally also removes immersion barriers between the simulated world and user.

By passing the simulator’s sometimes coarse time-resolution force commands through Simucube’s unique force reconstruction engine, driver will be able to feel the force feedback it was intended by the simulator’s physics engine. In addition to this, the real-nature modelling based Inertia, Damping and Friction effects inside Simucube’s real-time digital signal processor will make your wheel feel like it’s a part of a real race car.

Simucube Quick Release™ system (SQR) makes it possible to swiftly switch to different steering wheels on Simucube 2. SQR supports most of the existing steering wheels and is straightforward to use. Once SQR wheel is locked-in, the resulting joint to the wheel base equals the rigidity of a solid piece of metal, just like in a real race car.

Another new invention added in Simucube 2 is the support for Simucube Wireless Wheel™ (SWW). Wireless connection between the wheel base and the steering wheel allows more freedom for the driver and one less thing to worry about while racing. SWW also allows hot-swapping the wheels without re-assigning controls in the simulator.

Simucube 2 is now in production in three torque level variants: Simucube 2 Sport, Simucube 2 Pro and the professional model Simucube 2 Ultimate. Simucube 2 are sold through global distributors and recommended retail prices are listed on https://simucu.be with further information, specifications and distributors.

“Simucube 2 has lifted the whole simulator experience to another level with user-friendliness, adjustable driving feel and reliability for all types of drivers” says company’s product architect Mika Takala.

All Simucube 2 models have been designed in Finland by Granite Devices – also known from their reliable industrial robotics equipment. Simucube has been proudly built with the same uncompromising industrial quality principles – with it’s CNC machined solid metal parts and industrial grade electronics. Giving product such immortality deserves also lots of developer’s love. Simucube developer team is constantly keeping Simucube drivers a step ahead.

Simucube 2 models start at 1 270 EUR / 1 450 USD / 1 090 GPB and will be available for pre-order immediately.