Granity is the configuration software tool for Granite Devices motor drives, such as
ARGON. Granity has been designed from ground up aiming for effortless setup of servo drives while keeping functionality and reliability maxed out.
Download the latest release from the link below.
Basic installation:
- To run Granity on Windows, just extract the Zip file and launch Granity.exe. Installation is not needed.
- To use Granity on Linux, see Granity for Linux
- To use Granity on MacOS, open the .dmg package file and drag & drop the file to your Applications folder
- GNU Octave script for loading Granity scope captures saved as CSV files
In most cases Windows detects the SimpleMotion V2 USB adapter as USB Serial port and is able to install drivers automatically. However, if not, download VCP (Virtual COM Port) drivers from this page. The recommended package is the setup executable (direct link).
See main article Granity user guide
Version |
Release date |
Change log |
[Expand] Remarks
1.0.0 |
1.9.2013 |
Initial release |
Requires Argon firmware 1.0.0
1.0.1 |
3.9.2013 |
- Correct typos
- Set Abs and Set Inc buttons to change setpoint manually
- Display list of all parameters together with graphs - becomes useful when saving graphs as the list of parameters gets included in the file as well
- Safe Torque Off status is now displayed
- Fix the issue of not showing online version of Wiki
Requires Argon firmware 1.0.1
1.0.2 |
18.9.2013 |
- Added Invert directionAXI parameter
Requires Argon firmware 1.0.2
1.1.0 |
6.11.2013 |
- Added parameters Dynamic braking decelerationBDD, Mech brake engage delayBED and Mech brake assisted phasingBAP
- Graphs are now saved as PNG image file instead of PDF
- Added copy device state to clipboard button
- Avoid getting (harmless) connection error message after FW upgrade
Requires Argon firmware 1.1.0
1.5.0 |
- Support for IONI Servo & Stepper Drive added
- Various usability improvements and added parameters (IONI only, update for Argon coming later)
In this package version there are two executables (Granity-ARGON.exe and Granity-IONI.exe). Use the one intended for your drive model.
1.6.0 |
15.4.2015 |
1.7.0 |
4.5.2015 |
- Support SinCos feedback device option for IONI
- Added more guidance text to certain error messages
1.8.0 |
29.5.2015 |
- Support for Argon with firmware 2.0
- Added sanity checks and guidance for few parameterization errors
- Saving graph raw data to .csv file possible
1.9.0 |
2.11.2015 |
- Support for IONI Pro HC
- Support for IONI firmware 1.3.0
- Support for new torque cogging & uniformity functions of IONI Pro
- Linux version introduced
- Several small usability improvements
- Requires IONI FW V1.3+ or Argon FW V2.0+
- Package includes also executables for Granity 1.7.0 and 1.1.0 for older firmwares
1.9.1 |
5.1.2016 |
- Fix app crashing (not completely yet, it seems)
- Fix communication errors
- Small GUI improvement on Testing tab
1.10.0 |
6.5.2016 |
- Support IONI FW 1.5.0
- GUI improvements
- Added SimuCUBE in Electrical interfaceCEI
- Added new IONI pro feature parameters
- Crashing bug fixed
- Small Testing page usability improvements
- Added rescan button to Communication interface devices list
- Support new parameter Limit switch polarityLSP
- Added support for language translations (no translations made yet)
- Added parameters fir BiSS feedback device configuration (for IONI Pro drive with BiSS support firware)
- Improve Measure resistance & inductance function
- Support for IONI FW 1.6.0 beta 2 new features
- Auto-setup hall sensors
- Serial encoder (BiSS/SSI) support upgraded
- New scope capture features
- Home switch signal source selection added
- Improvements
- Homing configuration UI refreshed
- Scope refreshed, new features:
- Offline scope capture support, see Downloading offline scope capture in Granity
- Scope capture pre-trigger delay is adjustable
- New trigger choice (external trigger) added when drive FW supports it
- Preservation of scope settings, settings are now stored in drive flash memory and settings files
- Added a button to automatically set Setpoint offset nullingCAO for Analog and PWM setpoint sources
- Added dedicated DeploymentTool to bach upload drive firmware & settings
- Compatibility between different Granity & drive versions improved when saving or loading settings files
- Fixes
- Bug of Granity 1.11.0 causing connection error with message telling that parameter address 547 failed
- Fix an issue where "Searching devices" status may be stuck on until application is restarted
- Added direct support for FTDI USB chipset (no dependence on virtual COM port)
- Support for latest firmware features added
- Added absolute encoder support for IONI FW 1.7.0
- Add support for operation with just Hall sensors (no encoder)
- Fixed few bugs / issues
- Small user interface improvements
- Released MacOS version
- Released 64 bit Linux version
- Fixed few bugs / issues
- Workaround crashing in Windows version when online help-page load fails (i.e. no internet connection)
- Added hotkeys to control Quick stop feature of recent firwmares (Ctrl+Alt+Q sets quick stop, Ctrl+Alt+R resets quick stop)
- Granity now remembers last used interface device
- Small UI / UX improvements
- Updated internal SimpleMotion library for proper TCP/IP support
- Added support for newly introduced firmware features
- Small UI / UX improvements
- Saves new version of DRC file compatible with latest deployment functions of SimpleMotion V2 library
- Improved TCP/IP support
- Various internal improvements
- Updated Drive Deployment Tool to support new file formats
- CSV file export delimiter changed from ; to ,
- Small UI / UX improvements
- Added drop down menu to allow connecting directly to given drive address without going through scan & select dialog
- Scope capture
- Added option of 25 Hz sample rate
- Added support for scope sample averaging on drives that support it
- Allow exporting graphs to both .csv and .png formats simultaneously
- Added -longtimeout command line argument to tolerate higher latency connections (i.e. over TCP/IP)
- Added support for various new target device types
- Serial numbers read -1 when loading .drc file
- User settable temperature fault level
- Add mm/min and inches/min speed units
- Set fixed Y axis range for graphs
Granity uses following open source libraries and components:
For full details and licenses, see Third-party licenses.
In no event the Product Information or parts hereof shall be regarded as guarantee of conditions or characteristics. The Product Information or any part thereof may also not be regarded as a warranty of any kind. No liability of any kind shall be assumed by Author with respect to Product Information or any use made by you thereof, nor shall Author indemnify you against or be liable for any third party claims with respect to such information or any use thereof.
As content of this Wiki may be edited by user community, Granite Devices Oy or it's affiliates do not take any responsibility of the contents of this Wiki. Use information at your own risk. However, Granite Devices staff attempts to review all changes made to this Wiki and keep information trustworthy.
Without written consent, Granite Devices' Products or Intellectual Property shall not be used in situations or installations where living beings, material property, or immaterial property could be harmed by the operation, features or failures of Product. Products may only be used in a way where hazards like moving parts, electric shock, laser radiation, or fire can't be realized even if the content of this Wiki would suggest otherwise.