Installing MMos firmware into SimuCUBE

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Connections needed in this step are: AC and X3. All others may be left unconnected.
This page describes the method for installing/upgrading an MMos firmware into SimuCUBE. This is a necessary step before using the device as device may be delivered without the final application firmware installed.

Procedure[edit source | edit source]

Before beginning, ensure you have the following prerequisites fulfilled:

  • SimuCUBE board
  • Power supply for SimuCUBE (during upgrade, this can be from 12 VDC to 48 VDC, with at least 10 W power capability)
  • USB cable with Mini-USB-B plug for SimuCUBE
  • DfuSeDemo software
  • Suitable firmware for SimuCUBE
    • MMos firmware (see MMos page for download link)
    • Open source SimuCUBE firmware (not yet available, work in progress)

Preparing MMos firmware[edit source | edit source]

Once you have DfuSeDemo package installed and have the MMos firmware file (.hex), you need to convert it to .dfu format:

  • Launch DFU File Manager application (comes with DfuSeDemo software)
  • Choose "I want to GENERATE a DFU file from S19, HEX or BIN files" and click Ok
  • Click "S19 or Hex.." button and open the MMos .hex file
  • Click "Generate.." button and save the output to mmos.dfu file with in your hard drive

Setting SimuCUBE into Device Firmware Mode (DFU)[edit source | edit source]

In order to upload the newly generated .dfu file into SimuCUBE, the device needs in the DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) mode. To get SimuCUBE in this mode, there are three cases:

Case A[edit source | edit source]

Unused SimuCUBE in the factory state will be in DFU mode right after power. No actions needed. To verify this, see Windows Device Manager and check if there is STM Device in DFU Mode in it.

Note: first 50 produced SimuCUBEs do not start in DFU mode by default, if you have one of these devicess, see cases B and C.



  1. Connect USB cable between SimuCUBE X3 and PC
  2. Power on SimuCUBE (DC supply)
  3. Start Device Manager and find STM Device in DFU Mode
  4. If device is not found, see Case B and C

Case B[edit source | edit source]

If device is not in DFU mode, but has MMos firmware already installed, then using entering into DFU mode can be done by MMos configuration tool DFU mode button.

Note: if device already has MMos firmware and there is no need to upgrade the firmware, you may skip rest of this page.



  1. Connect USB cable between SimuCUBE X3 and PC
  2. Power on SimuCUBE (DC supply)
  3. Start MMos ForceFeedback configuration tool
  4. Verify that device is connected (green USB symbol in the tool)
  5. Click DFU Mode

Case C[edit source | edit source]

In case where device is not in DFU mode, or does not have any firmware in it, the DFU mode can be forced on by following guide below.


  1. Set on-board switch S1 position 1 to "DFU mode" as indicated in the image below. Note that first revision SimuCUBE has error in S1 on-board documentation indicating opposite switch position for DFU mode. The image in Wiki is correct and should be followed instead.
    Simcube dfu.png
  2. Connect USB cable between SimuCUBE X3 and PC
  3. Power on SimuCUBE (DC supply)

Uploading the .dfu file to SimuCUBE4[edit source | edit source]

At this point we have the mmos.dfu file and SimuCUBE in DFU mode.


  1. Start DfuSeDemo application. You should see "STM Device in DFU Mode" in dropdown list. Click "Choose.." from as highlighted in the image below
  2. Tick "Verify after download" and click "Upgrade"
  3. If following question is asked, click Yes
  4. After few seconds, following dialog will indicate the successful upgrade. Click Quit.
  5. Firmware is now installed. To start SimuCUBE in the the MMos firmware mode, set S1 to the "Run mode" and do a power down/power up. After this Windows should detect MMos device and install driver automatically. You can verify installation by checking Game Controllers dialog from Windows:

The dialog on right side shows inputs of SimuCUBE in real time. Configuration with MMos software may be necessary to make any inputs work. This topic has been covered in OpenSimWheel documentation available from various internet sites.

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